Your Allies
We know that finding promising Startups costs time and resources.
That’s why we work hand-in-hand with you to understand your investment needs and preferences. As we are invested in every Startup that we select, you will only be presented ideas and founder teams in which we truly believe.
Founding is an Art
GründerAtelier is a space where the most diverse aspects of founding come together to create a piece of art.
We focus on the founder team, the business model and the market to evaluate the startups’ potential and their scalability. By doing so, we are able to provide you with a detailed proposal on your next investment.
Our Philosophy
To us, our founders represent an investment in the future of GründerAtelier. We only select a handful of Startups at a time to ensure a solid support and a long-term focus on each of them.
Our core business aims to identify innovative ideas and to build profitable companies around them. As even the greatest ideas are worthless without a committed team, we confer a strong value to leadership, determination and personality of the minds behind the idea.
With this approach, we seek to lower investment risks and maximize the time you spend looking into promising investment opportunities.
Building Companies
“Your success is our success”
With our investors we do not only build a strong and trustworthy relationship – we establish a deep collaboration that is beneficial from both sides. While we bring you closer to new investment opportunities, you might also be interested in receiving additional support for your existing portfolio.
We are passionate about building innovative companies. That’s why we are here to help the Startups you are invested in succeeding by reshaping their business model, outlining their financial plan and adapting pitch decks to secure further funding.
Your Allies
We know that finding promising Startups costs time and resources.
That’s why we work hand-in-hand with you to understand your investment needs and preferences. As we are invested in every Startup that we select, you will only be presented ideas and founder teams in which we truly believe.
Founding is an Art
GründerAtelier is a space where the most diverse aspects of founding come together to create a piece of art.
We focus on the founder team, the business model and the market to evaluate the startups’ potential and their scalability. By doing so, we are able to provide you with a detailed proposal on your next investment.
Our Philosophy
To us, our founders represent an investment in the future of GründerAtelier. We only select a handful of Startups at a time to ensure a solid support and a long-term focus on each of them.
Our core business aims to identify innovative ideas and to build profitable companies around them. As even the greatest ideas are worthless without a committed team, we confer a strong value to leadership, determination and personality of the minds behind the idea.
With this approach, we seek to lower investment risks and maximize the time you spend looking into promising investment opportunities.
Building Companies
“Your success is our success”
With our investors we do not only build a strong and trustworthy relationship – we establish a deep collaboration that is beneficial from both sides. While we bring you closer to new investment opportunities, you might also be interested in receiving additional support for your existing portfolio.
We are passionate about building innovative companies. That’s why we are here to help the Startups you are invested in succeeding by reshaping their business model, outlining their financial plan and adapting pitch decks to secure further funding.